RHEMA means utterance or spoken word.

We at RHEMA Publishing House believe that words are important, and we would like to help you get those words published!

We want to help you publish your book in any genre, but we feel that glorifying God in all we do is our first order of business. We do not accept for publication books with themes that deal with the occult, pornography, or new age religious themes. Our core values are Judeo-Christian in nature and the books we publish adhere to those core values.

We want to help talented writers live their dreams of being published authors. However, it takes commitment, dedication, and hard work from everyone involved in the process. We are dedicated to everyone’s success. We want authors who are as motivated and committed to excellence as we strive to be.

We have assembled a team of talented proofreaders, editors, and layout and design personnel. If you feel that you and your book is a fit for the for Rhema Publishing House, please contact us to get started.

RHEMA Publishing House is an independent print-on-demand, hybrid publisher. We provide the elements of traditional publishing (editing, layout, and design), while at the same time allowing you to retain control of the development and content of your book. You are in charge of your book’s destiny and should not have to wait for a traditional publisher to accept or reject your work.

How We Began

Our WHY!

“I love, love, love the written word and the feeling you get when you just have to put your ideas on paper or you’ll burst! It thrills me to open a newly published project – it’s like Christmas each time. To help others do the same is to fulfill a special calling! It is a privilege to follow in the expert footsteps of my first publishers and I appreciate all they do to help us succeed at RHEMA Publishing House!”
~Karen Lindwall-Bourg, Founder

Established in the Fall of 2016, RHEMA Publishing House “hit the quill inking” and began coaching writers and preparing for first publications as early as December 1st! We want to help you publish your book in any genre. We want to glorify and honor God in all we do, so we don’t accept for publication books with themes that don’t fit with our Judeo-Christian core values.

Let’s Work Together

Let’s make your dream of becoming a published author a reality!